Learning a foreign language can be frustrating. When you are attempting to acquire a new language, you have to learn a whole bunch of new vocabularies, pronunciations, grammar, slangs, idioms, etc. It’s literally a life-long process to acquire a new language.
How cool would it be if there was only one language in the world?
Everybody would just speak the same language and communicate with each other effortlessly regardless of race. Is it really possible? Of course it is; take a look at how Beagles talk to German Shepherds, and how Superb Lyrebirds sing with Kakapos. If animals can share the same language with the same species, why can’t we?
With only one language in the world, we won’t have to worry about language barriers anymore. Therefore, we could travel around the world, work across the globe, read the original versions of the most famous literature from different countries, and meet new friends from diverse backgrounds. Moreover, companies will have more business opportunities, because they can produce commercials in just one language, and expand their market across the globe. As far as medicine is concerned, western and eastern medical researchers can exchange thoughts and ideas, learn from each other, and work together to fight incurable diseases.
Everything has two sides. Of course there are both advantages and disadvantages to only having one language in the world. Translators could lose their jobs; local businesses could face fierce competition from international giant companies, etc. However, in the big picture, I think it’s a good thing to unite all languages.
With the development of human culture, many countries promote diversity and equal opportunities by fighting racial discrimination. I think that unifying language is the best way to totally eliminate racial discrimination, because the fact is that people don’t discriminate against skin color; people discriminate against the language you speak.
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